Tech Corner

Boost Your Sales with Engaging Video Content

22 Oct, 2023

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Video proved to be a great way to engage customers in 2019, and it's not going away anytime soon. Creating videos for your website is a great way to instantly grab and engage a customer and inform them about your product or service.

Ron Smith, Editor in Chief, The Digital Outdoor considers how video can be used to help educate customers:

“I see the use of podcasting and short video content to augment the opportunity for buyers to learn about how an ecommerce brand’s products and services provide the solution to the opportunity, challenge or problem a buyer is looking to answer. With these two forms of content development comes the technology to micro track a viewer’s engagement…”

Shane Barker further emphasizes the importance:

“The importance of videos can’t be understated. Videos can help you explain and showcase your products better than images ever can. You should consider adding videos of your products in your ecommerce store.”